You have found an Internet Checkpoint, feel free to write about your life.


Wolverine is secretly a cat and you cant change my mind. We have Sabertooth as a dog and Wolverine as a cat, going with the stereotype that cat hate dogs and the other way around. Plus Logans Claws. Okay, Sabertooth has them too. Wait, i just found out hes spelled Sabretooth. Wtf. Interesting though. Anyways, <Wolverine3

- CatKitty

10.3.2025, 11:01:37


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Just turned in an absolute juggernaut of an assignment. I was supposed to start it towards the beginning of the school year tho I just started it a week ago and still got it in on time lol. This whole time I've been expecting some huge feeling of accomplishment wash over me like a wave, but instead I feel something fainter that I can't quite put my finger on. I feel like I should feel amazing for doing something that sounds amazing. I suppose right now I feel a little more free, now that I don't have the burden of that assignment over my head, letting me stay up to 2 am listening to JRPG music ;) Moments like those make life worth living, maybe this is the reward, which I'm happy about

- Pippin

8.3.2025, 10:20:11


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I often come here when i feel stressed and read the messages. I hope the person that reads this have a nice day.

- Zeratron

7.3.2025, 10:47:22


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hey guys hope you a feeling well

- a

7.3.2025, 04:09:39


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3 is my faovurite number cause it is at the center of EVERYTHIGN!!!!!!!!!!! dawg the more you think about it the crazier it becomes; 3.14 being pi, a triangle being the strongest shape, the holy trinity, cerberus having 3 heads, the phrase "third time's the charm", etc etc

- zan

7.3.2025, 00:31:45


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just passing by to see other people's comments. to anybody reading, have a good life!

- the_krib

6.3.2025, 14:32:28


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checked in!

- Chocola_NG

5.3.2025, 21:53:47


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Cat. We love and cherish Cat.

- CatKitty

4.3.2025, 11:50:42


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I've been doing well for a long-ish time a few weeks ago and now I'm worse again. I hate being like this.
I'm sorry to the people I've wronged while in this depressive state. I know that my mental illness is not an excuse for my behavior, but emotions take over me and I'm just stuck in this hole of anxiety and self hatred and can't stop the train of thoughts coming in.
I hope that my two best friends stay with me and won't leave. My biggest fear is the two of them leaving. They keep reassuring me that they won't, but my anxiety tells me otherwise.
I love them both dearly and I hope that they know.

- rodent

3.3.2025, 19:37:57


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Have you heard of our lord and savior bingus?

- bingusfan

3.3.2025, 16:18:46


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Just tried to recovering from a breakup, and i got banned from a server i really loved out of nowhere. Maybe i deserved this

- Qroissant

2.3.2025, 15:01:08


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I've never been this alone before, and I don't know what to do. Except to keep going. Be strong. But I know how to do that just fine. So I will. 

- ThatNerd

28.2.2025, 20:23:01


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Interesting website. Will be here more often...maybe

- Gr3ml1n_Arc

28.2.2025, 11:08:33


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long live the internet

- Chocola_NG

28.2.2025, 08:26:26


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Currently in my final year of high school. Only 3 more months!! the past week or so made me realize though I'm ready to move on. This final year's been kind of shitty I wont lie. I'm in a full IB program, holding a perfect GPA and on track to be valedictorian, but this endeavor drains all free time and free thought away from you and it's been slowly killing me - almost literally. Never in my life have I felt the effects of stress so physically, now that I've been shedding, had difficulty breathing, sleeping, being present, gaining weight, and my whole body feels so tight while 7 hours of sleep is the highest I could hope for on any given night. I know it's a result of being unorganized which I'm working on - I learned the hard way that habits and lifestyle changes take very small and gradual changes overtime, smaller than you'd think. At the same time though, I can't help but feel that no one understands me. I feel so shallow to everyone, that my interests and personality are so uninteresting to the people there, in my family, etc. Every interaction chips away at my own individuality - masking not just to appease the other person but just to survive the interaction in the first place. I won't lie I'm a bit socially inept, which I'm also working on. 

This past year has sucked the life out of me bad. It makes me feel as if if I keep living this life for another 5 years it would actually kill me. but deep down I know I must bear through it, keep fighting little by little of what I can each day to get back on my feet, and eventually I can soar above that. I'm ready for college. I'm ready to get out of this place that feels so much like a prison to me. For so long I've been translating my soul to others, rather than being with the people who get me. I know those people exist for everyone, even if they're hard to find. When all is said and done, I'll wake up each day with purpose, engaging with what I'm passionate about, and loving more, because these days the stress has made me lose sight of those things. If there's one thing I'd wish to remind myself, it'd be that before you take care of anything else, you need to care of yourself, and treat yourself nicely. It's your own self! You can't beat yourself up for being the way you are, just the fact you can see this means you have the capacity to change. Dear reader, you got this<3

"Nothing suits your fancy? Well, don't be too frugal. But a bit of Indulgence goes a long way." -Graverobber Blige from Demon's souls

- Pippin

28.2.2025, 04:36:53


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life is going good, hope it keeps being like that

- the_krib

27.2.2025, 16:45:59


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Yo!, hope you having a good day

- Ivan

27.2.2025, 08:06:18


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- 折木奉太郎

27.2.2025, 07:01:57


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I don’t want to be perfect. I just want to be me.

- Nik

27.2.2025, 01:55:27


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love is the answer

- serg

27.2.2025, 00:16:50


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Christ Is Lord

- NoHitReaper

26.2.2025, 21:47:50


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I am angry. My country that I love because its where my family and friends live actively gets worse with a fool that's not even fit to be a jester as its head of state. The ones who I love rights are actively threatened and the rich who exploit us are blatantly doing NAZI salutes on national television. and then the goose stepping bootlickers who elected the people that got them there are shocked and make excuses even though there hearts are empty and devoid of care. I'm so very tired of trying to be friends with people who want me and my loved ones to cease existing. I will be fine. I will smile and bear it all and I will succeed whether through hope or spite. Cause I will be dammed if some rich fascist pricks are the reason I get depressed so fuck em. I hope you all have wonderful lives I believe in ya.

- Hestia-Crow

26.2.2025, 19:52:52


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I don't know how I got here, I think I'm lost again

- Odysseus

26.2.2025, 17:35:22


Odysseus get off the internet and head to Ithaca. Penelope is waiting for you.

- Boa

27.2.2025, 00:26:05

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Just surviving rn. School sucks. Currently at home with my dog ❤️

- Abby

26.2.2025, 17:20:39


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Shot out to the Taia 777 santuary crew. Thanks for all this memories. Let's keep the legacy alive!!!!!!

- Rukimannº16

26.2.2025, 16:01:17


Shout out* mistake

- Rukimannº16

26.2.2025, 18:13:33

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"Even the good ones push away when I'm struggling
Don't ask if I'm okay, leave you wondering
I'm so bitter, but it feels like my fault
But I let you in before I build my walls"

Deezl - Struggling

- Qroissant

26.2.2025, 11:23:16


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Just checking in. I’m still here. Alive. Breathing. I fired that’s the point. Peace To All! ❤️

- Fireffshe

26.2.2025, 06:09:16


Correction. “fired” should be “guess”

- Firefishe

26.2.2025, 06:14:30

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This is an ingenious way of keeping the spirit of the checkpoints alive. Thank you for making this.

- CoolSharkCody

26.2.2025, 01:53:02


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It keeps happening, over and over again. The beating. It never stops. I never want it to.

- Cyril

26.2.2025, 01:40:48


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In the beginning were the words and the words made the world. I am the words. The words are everything. Where the words end the world ends. You cannot go forward in the absence of space.

- Elohim

26.2.2025, 01:29:10


This is an ingenious way of keeping the spirit of the checkpoints alive. Thank you for making this.

- CoolSharkCody

26.2.2025, 01:47:37

Whoops I meant to put this in a separate post. Distraction moment lol.

- CoolSharkCody

26.2.2025, 01:58:12

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Things are going fine, I have a baby cockatiel to take care of and supporting family and friends. I get to study what I really want and am doing an awesome project with my partner who I love a lot. Honestly, couldn't get any better :)

- MariaElisaCruz

26.2.2025, 01:23:24


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life is good.

- gavin

26.2.2025, 00:26:18


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My life is not so great rn. I'm going through some hard times and don't have anyone for support. I hope things get better soon.

- Glitch

25.2.2025, 17:17:44


Life gets better if you want it to get better. Actively trying to improve despite the world's weight will make you significantly stronger. Keep your foot on the throttle and never stop moving forward; it'll all turn out alright. :) “Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end.” ~ John Lennon

- gavin

26.2.2025, 00:32:30

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life sucks rn, but i'll make it

- oshari

25.2.2025, 08:01:38


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Still making things work the best I can, you all better do the same

- Korota

25.2.2025, 03:38:58


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- sleepyhead

25.2.2025, 02:57:02


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I do have a patron and a best friend who's support is allowing me to complete my dream project.

- DayTripper

24.2.2025, 22:41:20


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10 years in the same job with great ppl. Im working on my house and happy my mom is with me. 

- Illiax

24.2.2025, 21:03:10


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gotta take a shit, might not male it alive

- shitshitter

24.2.2025, 19:11:53


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Rn my life is great, some years ago i think i was in a very fucked up moment but i think i've moved past that. rn everything looks like will be alright :)

- Vicent

24.2.2025, 18:07:18


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Hello World!

- Zeratron

24.2.2025, 16:17:37


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